Adventure Awaits!
Hinterlands: A detailed accounting of the flora and fauna of Western Cyzica is a fully-illustrated Monster Manual and Wilderness Encounters book designed after the journals of old-time explorers such as Captain Cook and Lewis & Clark. Illustrated by Magic: The Gathering artist Brian Snoddy and written by Ben Thompson of Badass of the Week, this 64-page manual contains 20 brand-new monsters, mostly animal or plant types, with descriptions, artwork, and full stat blocks for 5E / 2024. Each entry also includes a short description written in-character as though the creature was encountered during the expedition, with clever hooks embedded to work these monsters organically into any campaign.
Adventure Awaits!
Hinterlands: A detailed accounting of the flora and fauna of Western Cyzica is a fully-illustrated Monster Manual and Wilderness Encounters book designed after the journals of old-time explorers such as Captain Cook and Lewis & Clark. Illustrated by Magic: The Gathering artist Brian Snoddy and written by Ben Thompson of Badass of the Week, this 64-page manual contains 20 brand-new monsters, mostly animal or plant types, with descriptions, artwork, and full stat blocks for 5E / 2024. Each entry also includes a short description written in-character as though the creature was encountered during the expedition, with clever hooks embedded to work these monsters organically into any campaign.
Adventure Awaits!
Hinterlands: A detailed accounting of the flora and fauna of Western Cyzica is a fully-illustrated Monster Manual and Wilderness Encounters book designed after the journals of old-time explorers such as Captain Cook and Lewis & Clark. Illustrated by Magic: The Gathering artist Brian Snoddy and written by Ben Thompson of Badass of the Week, this 64-page manual contains 20 brand-new monsters, mostly animal or plant types, with descriptions, artwork, and full stat blocks for 5E / 2024. Each entry also includes a short description written in-character as though the creature was encountered during the expedition, with clever hooks embedded to work these monsters organically into any campaign.